حدثنا عبد اللّٰهِ قال قرأت علي أبي ثنا أبو
عُبَيْدَةَ الْحَدَّادُ قال ثنا سُكَيْنُ بن عبد الْعَزِيزِ
العبدي ثنا إِبْرَاهِيمُ الهجري عن أبي الأَحْوَصِ عن عبد
اللّٰهِ بن مَسْعُودٍ قال قال رسول اللّٰهِ صلي اللّٰه عليه
وسلم ما عال مَنِ اقْتَصَدَ إلي هُنَا قرأت علي أبي وَمِنْ ههنا
حدثني أبي
‘Abdullah ibn Mas‘ud stated that God’s
Messenger said: “He who is moderate will never become poor and
Following is the schematic illustration
of the isnad of this narrative:
About Ibrahim ibn Muslim
al-Hajari, Ibn Abi Hatim records that Yahya ibn Ma‘in says
that he is laysa bi shay’ and that in the opinion of Abu Hatim
he is laysa bi qawi layyin al-hadith;
Al-Nasa’i regards him to be da‘if;
Ibn Sa‘d says that he is da‘if al-hadith;
Al-Bukhari records kana Ibn ‘Uyaynah yuda‘‘ifuhu;
Ibn Hajar says that he is layyin al-hadith and converts mawquf
narratives into marfu‘ ones;
Ibn Hibban has recorded him in his Al-Majruhin and said kana
min man yukhti fa yakthuru.
Though Yahya ibn Ma‘in, Waki‘ and Ibn
Hibban regard Sikkin ibn ‘Abd al-‘Aziz as trustworthy, Abu
Da’ud regards him to be da‘if and al-Nasa’i says that he is
laysa bi al-qawi; Ibn ‘Adi says that the weakness in him is
most likely because he generally narrates from weak narrators.
Ibn Hajar records that al-‘Ijli regards him and his father to
be trustworthy but Ibn Khuzaymah says that he neither knows
him nor his father and at another place says that is absolved
from anyone who has any link with him or his father.
Al-Daraqutni has recorded him in his Al-Du‘afa’.
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas stated that God’s
Messenger said: “He who is moderate will never become poor and
Following is the schematic illustration
of the isnad of this narrative:

This narrative is broken because strong
evidence suggests that al-Dahhak ibn Muzahim (d. 106 AH) never
met ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas (rta). Al-Mizzi records: Al-Mashshash
says that he never saw him hearing from Ibn ‘Abbas; ‘Abd al-Malik
ibn Maysarah says that he never met Ibn ‘Abbas; Shu‘bah
reports that when ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Maysarah asked al-Dahhak
if he had heard from Ibn ‘Abbas, he replied in the negative
and when he asked him from whom does he actually narrate when
he narrates from Ibn ‘Abbas, he replied that he narrates from
such and such individuals; Yahya ibn Sa‘id says Shu‘bah would
not narrate from al-Dahhak and would reject if al-Dahhak ever
narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas; Yahya ibn Sa‘id says that al-Dahhak
was da‘if; Ibn Hibban says that al-Dahhak has met a group of
the tabi ‘un but not a single companion and that he who says
that he met Ibn ‘Abbas is mistaken; Ibn ‘Adi also expresses
his doubt on him meeting Ibn ‘Abbas.
Abu Zur‘ah also says that he never met Ibn ‘Abbas.
Ibn Abi Hatim records that when Mashshash asked al-Dahhak if
he had heard anything from Ibn ‘Abbas, he replied in the
negative; he then asked him if he had seen Ibn ‘Abbas to which
he said he had not.
Al-Daraqtni also says that he has heard nothing from Ibn
Thus Ibn Hjar has regarded him to be kathir al-irsal.