Important Queries Sorted By Writers
Queries Answered by Saadia Malik
For Queries earlier than 1991, please click here.
Writers List
Adnan Zulfiqar
Ameer Hamza
Asif Iftikhar
Dr Khalid Zaheer
Dr. Shehzad Saleem
Firas Ahmad
Jhangeer Hanif
Saadia Malik
Siddiq Bukhary
Tariq Haashmi
- Women’s Rights in Pakistan   (July 2003)
- Eight Oceans of the Qur’ān   (April 2003)
Economic Issues
- Expending Interest received from Banks   (May 2003)
Social Issues
- Obeying Parents in deciding upon a Career   (June 2003)
- Forced Marriages   (June 2003)
- Befriending our ‘Enemies’   (May 2003)
- Seeking Divorce from a Husband who has become Impotent   (May 2003)
- Working in a Café Selling Wine and Alcohol   (May 2003)
- Treating Parents   (April 2003)
- Polygamy   (January 2003)
- Fasts Missed during Menstruation   (April 2003)
- Problems faced by a Convert in a Christian Community   (May 2003)
Islamic Customs and Etiquette
- Friday as Holiday   (April 2003)
- Overcoming Anger and Impatience   (May 2003)
God and Monotheism
- Wearing a Ta‘wīz   (June 2003)
- Does Allah always Listen to my Pleas?   (May 2003)
- Spiritual Aspect vs Moral Aspect   (February 2003)
- Affluence and Calamity: Trials from the Almighty   (February 2003)
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