Important Articles Sorted By Writers
Articles by Dr. Shehzad Saleem
For Articles earlier than 1991, please click here.
Writers List
Abdus Sattar Ghauri
Adnan Zulfiqar
Ameen Fayyaz
Ameer Hamza
Amin Ahsan Islahi
Asif Iftikhar
Dr Farhad Shafti
Dr Khalid Zaheer
Dr. Junaid Hassan
Dr. Shehzad Saleem
Firas Ahmad
Imam Hamiduddin Farahi
Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
Jhangeer Hanif
Kamran Bashir Sheikh
Khalid Masud
Moiz Amjad
Mudasser Test Writer
Rehan Ahmad
Saadia Malik
Siddiq Bukhary
Tariq Haashmi
Yoginder Sikand
In this Issue
- Brief Introduction to the Contents   (June 2007)
Qur'anic Exegesis
- Humour   (February 2024)
- A Summary of some Exegetical Views on Verses 16-19 of Surah Qiyamah   (November 2017)
- Explanation of Some Qur’anic Words   (July 2017)
- Explanation of Some Qur’anic Words   (January 2011)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah Baqarah (275-286)   (April 2006)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (261-274)   (March 2006)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (252-260)   (December 2005)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (242-251)   (November 2005)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (222-232)   (September 2005)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (222-232)   (August 2005)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (204-221)   (July 2005)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (196-203)   (June 2005)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (178-195)   (April 2005)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (163-177)   (March 2005)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (142-162)   (December 2004)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (122-141)   (October 2004)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (101-121)   (September 2004)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (83-100)   (August 2004)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (61-82)   (July 2004)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (40-60)   (May 2004)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (30-39)   (December 2003)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (26-29)   (October 2003)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (17-25)   (September 2003)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (8-16)   (August 2003)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (1-7)   (July 2003)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Sūrah Fātihah   (June 2003)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (236-242)   (May 2003)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (233-235)   (April 2003)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (230-232)   (February 2003)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (224-29)   (January 2003)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (222-223)   (November 2002)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (204-214)   (August 2002)
- Researcher’s Companion to Ghamidi’s Surah al-Baqarah (215-221)   (July 2002)
- “Tadabbur-i-Qur’ān”
(An Outline of its Pattern of Nazm)
  (January 1998)
- The Abbreviated Letters: Farāhī’s Theory   (October 1991)
- Qur’an Transmission through the Ages   (March 2021)
- Introduction to the Qur’an   (December 2018)
- Supplications from the Qur’an   (July 2016)
- A Re-Evaluation of Early Developments in Qur’anic Orthography related to Vocalization and Diacritics   (July 2014)
- A Critical Evaluation of Variations found in the ‘Uthmanic Copies   (April 2013)
- A Critical Evaluation of Farahī’s View on the Collection of the Qur’ān   (January 2012)
- Materials and Surfaces Used for Writing the Qur’an   (February 2011)
- Reason and Revelation   (August 2003)
- Understanding the Qur’ān: A Fundamental Premise   (November 2000)
- Collection and Transmission of the Qur’an   (February 2000)
- Rationality of the Qur’ān   (August 1998)
- Hurūf-i-Muqatta‘āt: Farāhī’s Theory   (August 1997)
- The Importance of Shā‘āir Allāh   (March 1996)
- Hurūf-i-Muqatta‘āt: Farahi’s Theory   (January 1996)
- Rationality of the Qur’ān   (July 1991)
Hadith & Sunnah
- Blessings of reading Surah al-Falaq and Surah al-Nas   (December 2024)
- Long Hands and Charity   (October 2024)
- Leader of a Nation as its Servant   (September 2024)
- Cleansing after Defecation   (August 2024)
- Seeing an Attractive Woman   (July 2024)
- Forced Divorce   (June 2024)
- Narrative on ‘Ashr min al-fitrah   (May 2024)
- Narrative on Door of ‘Ali (rta)   (April 2024)
- Narrative on ‘Ali as the Chosen One   (March 2024)
- Narrative on ‘Ali’s Afflicted Eyes   (February 2024)
- Narrative on ‘Ali’s Knowledge   (January 2024)
- Narrative on House of Hamd in Paradise   (December 2023)
- Narrative on the Reward of visiting the Prophet’s Grave   (November 2023)
- Narrative on Creation of Adam (sws) because of Muhammad (sws)   (October 2023)
- Narrative of Reward of looking at the Father   (September 2023)
- Narrative on Combining Prayers without Excuse   (August 2023)
- Narrative on Killing Ants   (July 2023)
- Surah Qamar: A Narrative on the Qadariyyah   (June 2023)
- Narrative on offering Hajj on Foot   (May 2023)
- Narrative on Charity and Seventy Devils   (April 2023)
- Narrative on Punishment of Bestiality   (March 2023)
- An Occasion of Revelation Narrative on Surah Mutaffifin   (February 2023)
- “Divorce in Jest” Narratives   (January 2023)
- Narrative on “Long Hands”   (December 2022)
- Narrative on “Reward of Qur’an Reading”   (November 2022)
- Narrative on Moderation   (October 2022)
- Narrative on “Adhan for New Born for Relief”   (September 2022)
- Narrative on “Charity averts Awful Death”   (August 2022)
- Narrative on Animal Sacrifice on Eid   (July 2022)
- Narratives on “A Ruler is God’s Shadow on Earth”   (April 2022)
- Narratives on “A Ruler is God’s Shadow on Earth”   (February 2022)
- “Sayyid al-Qawm Khadimuhum” Narratives   (January 2022)
- Narrative on “Adhan for a New Born for Relief”   (November 2021)
- Critical Evaluation of the Narrative “Wisdom is a Believer’s Lost Heritage”   (October 2021)
- Narratives on Forty Prayers   (September 2021)
- Lizard Killing Narratives   (August 2021)
- Tijarah Narratives from Surah Jumu‘ah   (July 2021)
- Occasion of Revelation of Surah Abu Lahab   (June 2021)
- Occasion of Revelation of Surah Abu Lahab   (June 2021)
- An Occasion of Revelation in Surah Hujurat   (May 2021)
- An Occasion of Revelation in Surah Hujurat   (May 2021)
- Critical Evaluation of the Occasion of Revelation of Surah Abu Lahab   (February 2021)
- Selections from Hadith   (June 2020)
- Selections from Hadith   (July 2019)
- A Critical Analysis of The “First Revelation” Narratives   (March 2019)
- Introduction to the Special Issue   (March 2019)
- The Hagar-Zam Zam Narrative   (December 2018)
- Supplications from the Hadith   (July 2016)
- Selections from Hadith   (May 2016)
- Explanation of Some Jarh Terms   (May 2016)
- Selections from Hadith   (January 2016)
- Selections from Hadith   (December 2015)
- Selections from Hadith   (November 2015)
- Selections from Hadith   (October 2015)
- Selections from Hadith   (September 2015)
- Selections from Hadith   (May 2015)
- Narrative on the Changes made in the Qur’an by al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf   (November 2012)
- Critical Evaluation of Ustuwanah al-mushaf Narratives   (October 2012)
- Explanation of Some Jarh Terms   (December 2010)
- A Narrative on the Placement of Surah Anfal and Surah Tawbah in the ‘Uthmanic Collection of the Qur’an   (November 2010)
- A Critical Analysis of the Narratives on the Masahif of Ubayy ibn Ka‘b (rta) and ‘Abdullah ibn Mas‘ud (rta)   (October 2010)
- A Narrative on the Schematic Arrangement of the Qur’an   (September 2010)
- Mustafa A‘zami’s Critique on “The Dishonest Scribe” Narratives   (August 2010)
Political Issues
- Guidelines for Islamic Foreign Policy   (December 2003)
- Status of Non-Muslim Citizens   (October 2003)
- The Political Directives of Islam   (December 2002)
- The Political System of Pakistan: Points to Ponder   (December 2002)
- Citizenship of an Islamic State   (April 1998)
- A Nine Point Programme   (February 1997)
- Islam and the Political System in Our Society   (February 1997)
- The Role Played by Religious Parties   (February 1997)
- The Methodology of an Islamic Revolution   (November 1996)
- Election of the Head of State   (August 1994)
- The Implementation of Islam   (August 1993)
- Introduction to the Political Law of Islam   (June 1993)
- The Islamic Form of Government   (February 1993)
- Towards an Islamic Revolution   (January 1993)
- Legislation in an Islamic State   (June 1991)
- Islamic Revolution   (February 1991)
Economic Issues
- The Economic Directives of Islam   (March 2003)
- Documentation and Evidence   (April 1999)
- Devouring Wealth through Evil Means   (March 1999)
- A Remedy for the Economic Ills in Our Society   (June 1997)
- A Remedy for the Economic Ills in Our Society   (February 1997)
- A New Economic Framework   (January 1994)
- Introduction to the Islamic Law of Inheritance   (May 1993)
- Introduction to the Economic Law of Islam   (April 1993)
- The Islamic Concept of Taxation   (October 1992)
- Outline of a New Economic Framework   (May 1992)
Social Issues
- Respecting Human Beings   (October 2020)
- Successful Parents   (March 2020)
- Overcoming Prejudice   (July 2019)
- Simplicity   (February 2019)
- Animal Rights   (June 2018)
- Some Requests to Wives   (December 2017)
- Some Suggestions for Married Couples   (June 2017)
- Successful Parents   (March 2017)
- The “Successful Spouse” Test   (February 2017)
- Dear Husbands … If I may say!   (December 2016)
- A Small Act of Kindness   (July 2016)
- Respecting the Privacy of our Mature Children   (June 2016)
- Let us Enjoy every Moment of our Lives   (October 2015)
- Tears of Old Parents … for their Children   (July 2015)
- The Decorum of Criticizing Others   (June 2015)
- We Owe it to Our Society   (March 2015)
- Discovering our Inner Talent   (February 2015)
- The Battle for Honesty Continues!   (January 2015)
- Secret to Inner Peace   (November 2014)
- Charity: Points to Ponder   (May 2014)
- Forgiveness   (March 2014)
- The Trials of Life   (January 2014)
- Handling Mature Children   (October 2013)
- The Key to Successful Marriage   (March 2013)
- The Cause of Truth   (December 2012)
- Humility   (September 2012)
- Travelling Alone!   (September 2010)
- Islam and Women   (February 2005)
- Islam and Women: Misconceptions and Misperceptions   (February 2005)
- Family Life in Islam   (June 2004)
- The Social Directives of Islam: Distinctive Aspects of Ghamidi’s Interpretation   (March 2004)
- A Solution to the Social and Legal Problems in our Society   (February 1997)
- Parental Consent in Marriage   (December 1996)
- The Islamic Concept of Hijāb   (November 1996)
- Parental Consent in Marriage   (August 1996)
- The Institution of Family   (May 1995)
- Marriages of the Prophet (sws)   (April 1995)
- The Condemnation of Slavery by Islam   (March 1995)
- The Condemnation of Slavery by Islam   (March 1995)
- The Qur’anic Concept of Divorce   (January 1995)
- The Islamic Concept of Hijāb   (December 1994)
- Islam and the Fine Arts   (November 1994)
- Polygamy in Islam   (February 1994)
- Marriage with Jewish and Christian Women   (November 1993)
- On Birthdays   (October 1993)
- The Social Etiquette of Islam   (September 1993)
- The Standard of Living of a Muslim   (December 1992)
- The Condemnation of Slavery in Islam   (October 1991)
- Fasting in Extreme Conditions   (April 2019)
- Prayers can Move Mountains!   (July 2018)
- Let us Light up our Prayers!   (April 2017)
- Prayers can Move Mountains!   (October 2016)
- Do We have a Spiritual Part of the Day?   (August 2015)
- Fasting in Extreme Conditions   (August 2012)
- The Importance of Sha‘ā’ir Allāh   (November 2003)
- Evidence of Muhammad’s Prophethood (sws)   (October 1995)
- The Misunderstood Doctrine of Jihād   (June 2002)
- Conditions of Revolt   (June 2002)
- No Jihād without the State   (June 2002)
The Hereafter
- Human Conscience and the Day of Judgement   (November 2002)
- When Death shall Die   (January 2002)
- The Hereafter: Why at all?   (September 1995)
- Loose Talk   (February 2025)
- Unsung Heroes   (January 2025)
- Generosity   (December 2024)
- The Power of Punctuality   (November 2024)
- The Art of Listening   (October 2024)
- Pitfalls of Fame   (September 2024)
- Power of Passion   (August 2024)
- Developing Punctuality   (July 2024)
- Essentials of Empathy   (June 2024)
- Unsung Heroes   (May 2024)
- Fame   (April 2024)
- Compassion   (March 2024)
- Leap out for Others!   (January 2024)
- The Battle for Honesty Continues!   (December 2023)
- Decorum of Criticizing Others   (November 2023)
- Taming the Tongue   (October 2023)
- Vacant Time leads to a Vacant Mind   (September 2023)
- Two Tough Trials   (August 2023)
- Pretension and Pomposity   (July 2023)
- Sympathy   (June 2023)
- The Cause of Truth   (May 2023)
- Charity: Points to Ponder   (April 2023)
- Anger Management   (March 2023)
- Pretension and Pomposity   (February 2023)
- Taming the Tongue   (January 2023)
- Courage   (December 2022)
- Nothing but the Truth, Please!   (November 2022)
- Juristic Principles   (October 2022)
- The Cause of Truth   (September 2022)
- Loose Talk   (August 2022)
- Saintly Sinners   (July 2022)
- The Art of Listening   (June 2022)
- Our Three Identities   (May 2022)
- The Best Investment   (April 2022)
- Freedom of Expression   (March 2022)
- Openness   (February 2022)
- Reliability   (January 2022)
- Let us Contribute   (December 2021)
- Leaders and Leadership   (November 2021)
- Competence   (October 2021)
- The Best Investment   (September 2021)
- Optimism   (August 2021)
- Civic Sense   (July 2021)
- The Best Investment   (June 2021)
- Freedom of Expression   (May 2021)
- Loyalty   (April 2021)
- Essentials of Empathy   (March 2021)
- Power of Adaptability   (February 2021)
- Condolences   (January 2021)
- Crisis Management   (December 2020)
- Life-Long Learning   (November 2020)
- Unsung Heroes   (September 2020)
- Confidence   (August 2020)
- Punctuality   (July 2020)
- Compassion   (June 2020)
- Fame   (May 2020)
- Compassion   (April 2020)
- Sympathy   (February 2020)
- Magnanimity   (January 2020)
- The Art of Positive Thinking   (December 2019)
- Humanity Unplugged   (November 2019)
- Hospitality   (October 2019)
- Self-Control   (September 2019)
- Winning Hearts   (August 2019)
- Overcoming Greed   (June 2019)
- Generosity   (May 2019)
- Humanity First   (April 2019)
- Magnanimity   (January 2019)
- Overcoming Despair and Dejection   (December 2018)
- Happiness   (November 2018)
- Poise and Balance   (October 2018)
- When the Tough get Going!   (September 2018)
- The Importance of the Word “Self”   (August 2018)
- Qualities of a Good Teacher   (May 2018)
- The Art of Positive Thinking   (April 2018)
- Virtues of Silence   (March 2018)
- The Person in the Mirror   (February 2018)
- Some Requests to Young Adults   (January 2018)
- Some Remedies for Jealousy   (November 2017)
- Four Steps to Selflessness   (October 2017)
- The Five Essentials of Constructive Criticism   (September 2017)
- How to overcome Selfishness   (August 2017)
- Anger Management   (July 2017)
- Let us Value what We have   (January 2017)
- The “Blind Drill”   (November 2016)
- Two types of “Junk Food”   (September 2016)
- Reforming Our Conduct   (August 2016)
- Two Tough Trials   (April 2016)
- Benefiting from Criticism   (March 2016)
- The Cause of Truth   (February 2016)
- Restraining our Wounded Pride   (January 2016)
- The Power of One   (December 2015)
- Let us Refuse to Lose!   (November 2015)
- Beware of the three C’s: Cynicism, Criticism and Complaint   (September 2015)
- Hobbies we must have!   (May 2015)
- “Thank you” Culture   (April 2015)
- Saintly Sinners   (December 2014)
- Illness can be a Boon!   (October 2014)
- Lookout to Leap for Others!   (September 2014)
- Turning Foes into Friends   (August 2014)
- Anger Management   (November 2013)
- An Introduction to Ghamidi’s Mizan   (August 2013)
- Are We Ready to Die?   (June 2013)
- Pretension and Pomposity   (January 2013)
- Sympathy   (November 2012)
- How to overcome Selfishness   (August 2012)
- Nothing but the Truth, Please!   (July 2012)
- Courage   (February 2012)
- Forgiveness   (December 2011)
- Gratitude   (October 2011)
- Reason and Revelation   (August 2011)
- … And the List is Unending!   (April 2010)
- Fifty Common Misconceptions about Islam   (June 2007)
- … And the List is Unending!   (February 2006)
- Fifteen Years of Renaissance (Jan 1991 - Dec 2005)   (January 2006)
- Soul Searching!   (July 2005)
- The Key to Everlasting Friendship   (November 2004)
- Trial of the Affluent   (February 2004)
- All is Well …!   (January 2004)
- Foot prints on the Sands of Time …   (August 2003)
- The Real Contest   (July 2003)
- Constant Vigil   (June 2003)
- Men of Action not Hermits   (May 2003)
- Enhance thy Radiance of Faith   (April 2003)
- To See or not to See   (February 2003)
- …Till you Find your Dream   (January 2003)
- The Sword of Poise   (July 2002)
- A Greater Pollution   (May 2002)
- The Ailment of Self-Righteousness   (April 2002)
- Whither International Relations?   (March 2002)
- Islam and Non-Muslims: A New Perspective   (March 2002)
- Quest for the Truth   (February 2002)
- Intellectual Stagnation and its Remedy   (June 1998)
- Footprints on the Sands of Time
(Written on the demise of Imām Amin Ahsan Islāhī)
  (January 1998)
- Renewal of the Pledge   (November 1995)
- Footprints on the Sands of Time   (August 1991)
- We and Our Mission   (April 1991)
- The Tragedy of the West   (March 1991)
- The Launching of Renaissance   (January 1991)
Islamic Punishments
- Islamic Punishments: A Fresh Insight   (September 2002)
- The Issue of Blasphemy   (April 1997)
- Method of Proving a Crime: Two Exceptions   (November 1996)
- Testimony Of Women   (November 1996)
- The Punishments of Drinking and Apostasy   (November 1996)
- The Punishment for Apostasy   (November 1996)
- The Punishment for Theft and Fornication   (November 1996)
- The Purpose of Punishments   (November 1996)
- The Blasphemy Law   (September 1994)
- Testimony of Women   (December 1993)
- Propagation of the Truth   (November 2003)
- Propagation of the Truth   (May 1994)
- Indhār   (July 1992)
- A Brief Biographical Sketch of Islāhī   (January 1998)
- Farahi: An Intellectual Giant   (December 1991)
- No Nightingale did ever chaunt …!   (June 2021)
- Man with a Mission   (July 2020)
- Abdus Sattar Ghauri (The Father Figure of Al-Mawrid!)   (June 2014)
- A Man of Steel (Written on the Demise of Muhammad Ishāq Nāgī)   (October 2012)
- A Tribute to Brig (retd.) Noor Ahmed Husain (Quaid e Azam’s Last Military ADC)   (February 2012)
- A Citizen of Paradise (Written on the Martyrdom of Dr Habib ur Rahman)   (December 2011)
- The Warrior who became a Martyr (Written on the Martyrdom of Dr Muhammad Farooq Khan)   (November 2010)
- A Passionate Preacher of the Qur’ān passes away!   (May 2010)
- A Silent Soldier calls it a Day!
(written on the death of Khalid Masud)
  (December 2003)
- “This was a Man”   (January 1995)
- Taming the Tongue   (February 2013)
- Our System of Education   (February 1997)
- The Farāhī Foundation   (June 1995)
God and Monotheism
- God’s Domain   (May 2017)
- Surrendering to God’s Will   (October 2003)
- Surrendering to God’s Will   (October 2002)
- Dhikr   (August 2002)
- Belief in Allah   (November 1995)
Book Review
- An Introduction to Ghamidi’s Mizan   (August 2017)
- English Translationof the first volume of Tadabbur-i Qur’ān   (February 2010)
- Towards Understanding the Qur’ān
(English Translation of “Tafhīmu’l-Qur’ān”)
  (June 1997)
Rhyme and Reason
- Abraham   (November 2023)
- Let us then Live for Others!   (September 2023)
- Albert Einstein   (July 2023)
- Sir Muhammad Iqbal   (June 2023)
- Jesus (sws)   (April 2023)
- Shakespeare   (March 2023)
- Socrates   (February 2023)
- Small Acts of Kindness   (September 2022)
- Let us then Live for Others!   (May 2022)
- Life goes on all the same!   (April 2022)
- A Purposeful Life   (November 2021)
- Never Lose Hope!   (October 2021)
- Contentment   (May 2021)
- Charity   (April 2021)
- Positive Thinking   (February 2021)
- Sharing is Caring   (January 2021)
- Lets be Just, Come what May!   (October 2020)
- Colours of Life   (February 2020)
- The Responsibles!   (January 2020)
- A Purposeful Life   (September 2019)
- Generosity   (July 2019)
- To Young Adults   (April 2019)
- Spiritual Advancement   (April 2019)
- Honesty   (January 2019)
- The Good Human   (October 2018)
- Let us Live for Others!   (April 2018)
- Humanity burnt at the Stake   (November 2017)
- Life goes on all the same   (October 2016)
- Preparing for the Inevitable!   (November 2015)
- The Sound of Silence   (October 2015)
- Lets be Just, Come what May!   (September 2015)
- Never Give Up!   (August 2015)
- Life goes on all the same!   (June 2015)
- Tears that would not stop!   (May 2015)
- Death in Innocence   (April 2015)
- Visit to an Old Home   (March 2015)
- Experiencing God   (February 2015)
- Small Acts of Kindness   (November 2014)
- Tears of Gratitude!   (October 2014)
- Charity   (September 2014)
- Let us then Live for Others!   (August 2014)
- Dignity in Hard Labour Lies!   (March 2014)
- Never Lose Hope!   (January 2014)
- Let us Promise…   (September 2013)
- Visit to a Graveyard   (July 2013)
- A Shame to Humanity!   (May 2013)
Editor's Mail
- Response to ‘‘Trivializing Homosexuality’’   (June 2006)
- Appendix A: A Summary of the View of Traditional Muslim Scholars   (January 2012)
- Appendix B: A Brief Summary of the Views of Traditional and Radical Western Scholars   (January 2012)
- Appendix C: A Brief Biographical Sketch of Hamīd al-Dīn al-Farāhī (1863-1930)   (January 2012)
- Appendix A: The Preaching Mission of Noah (sws)   (March 2002)
- Appendix B: Fate of some Nations who denied their Messengers   (March 2002)
- Appendix C: Treatment of Non-Muslim Minorities   (March 2002)
- Appendix C: Treatment of Non-Muslim Minorities   (February 2002)
- Appendix 1: The Preaching Mission of Noah (sws)   (November 2000)
- Appendix 2: The Fate of some Nations who denied their Rusul   (November 2000)
- Appendix 3: The Prophecies of the Arrival of Muhammad (sws)   (November 2000)
- Appendix A: Critical Analysis of the Reports which Mention the Collection of Abū Bakr (rta) and the Recension of ‘Uthmān (rta)   (February 2000)
- Appendix B: The Controversial Personality of Ibn Shihāb Zuhrī   (February 2000)
- Appendix C: View of the Orientalists on the History of the Qur’ānic Text   (February 2000)
- Appendix D: A Comment on some Dissenting views on the Authenticity of the Qur’ān   (February 2000)
- Appendix 2: A Remedy for the Economic Ills in Our Society
(Based on the Suggestions by Javed Ahmad Ghamidi)
  (August 1999)
- Prohibition of Music   (November 2002)
- The Return of Jesus (sws)   (August 2002)
- Women as Head of State   (July 2002)
- The Philosophy of Mahr   (May 2002)
- Explanation regarding Sūrah Fīl   (November 2001)
- Toleration of Lewdness by the Prophet (sws)   (September 2001)
- Purpose of the Hijāb   (August 2001)
- The Gender of God   (July 2001)
- Telephonic Marriage   (April 2001)
- Fate of Non-Muslims   (March 2001)
- Understanding the Qur’ān: A Fundamental Premise   (January 2001)
- Women Outnumbering Men in Hell !   (December 2000)
- Homosexuality   (September 2000)
- No Jihād without the State   (December 1999)
- Distance for Shortening of Prayers   (November 1999)
- No Jihād Without the State   (June 1999)
- Slaughtering and Takbīr   (February 1999)
- Bowing Down in Martial Arts   (January 1999)
- Women Plucking their Facial Hairs   (October 1998)
Narratives on the Collection of the Qur’an by ‘Ali (rta)
- I Introduction   (June 2012)
- II Representative Texts: Sunni Sources   (June 2012)
- III Existing Interpretations   (June 2012)
- IV Analysis of Existing Interpretations and Narratives   (June 2012)
- V Representative Texts: Shiite Sources   (June 2012)
- VI. Existing Interpretations   (June 2012)
- VII Analysis of Existing Interpretations and Narratives   (June 2012)
- VIII. Overall Analysis and Conclusion   (June 2012)
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